miércoles, 29 de mayo de 2013

Structured Paragraph Writing

Entry #6:
English Academic Writing Introduction, parts of a paragraph:
  •     Topic sentence.
              The subject.
              An interesting topic.
               Give your opinion.
  •       Body.
         The heart.
         Gives supporting details or arguments.
         Details ordered by importance/ by chronology.
  •      Closing sentence.
         Remains the topic to the audience.
         A little extra argument.

University of Massey, writing structured paragraphs:
  • Style
  • Correct punctuation
  • Paragraphing.
  •    Clear  and logical paragraphs.
  •    Understandable material.
  • A distinct section in a piece of writing.
  • Indicated by a new line.
  • Started with a topic sentence.
  • Sentences related to each other (COHERENCE)
  • One main idea, one focus. (UNITY)
  • Cohesion
  • Main idea supported by examples and details. (DEVELOPMENT)
  • Concluding paragraph:
  •     Main points summarized.
  •     Short.
  •     Main conclusion stated.
  •    It must satisfy the reader.
  • Do not:
  •     Introduced new material.
  •     End with a generalization.
  •     End with a quotation.

Alex().Introduction to English Acadeic Writing. [ONLINE] Available at: http://www.engvid.com/introduction-to-english-academic-writing-parts-of-a-paragraph/-[Las Accessed 30 May 2013].

The Student Learning Centre Albany Campus(2005). Writing Structured Paragraphs. [ONLINE] Available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w183qB0KDFg.[Last Accessed 30 May 2013].

Licciardi, Magali Rocio
Tovagliari, Maria Florencia

jueves, 23 de mayo de 2013

Extravagant Writer

Some quotes and works of this fantastic writer!

¨She could not complain about not having shoes, when the person she is talking to had no legs ¨

¨Power is the ability not just to tell the story of a person, but to make it the definitive story of that person ¨
I am extremely fascinated by this quote:

¨Each time he suggested they get married, she said no. They were too happy, precariously so, and she wanted to guard that bond;  she feard that marriage would flatten it into a prosaic partnership¨

She is a writer

   ENTRY #5                                                                            

According to her speech, Chimamanda Ngozi assures that she writes because she has to and claims the production of writing as an obligation.
The way she speaks is comprehensible and the most important thing is that she is able to make you pay carefully attention to what she says.
Chimamanda ensures that she has the necessity of sitting and writing  for hours and also that she likes writing to those people who really enjoy the kind of fiction she enjoys. She is a writer who is not interest in Hobbits or alternative universes, for instance. Instead, she writes about real human beings, living in real places, therefore she calls this Literature as a Real Literature. In her opinion, Literature is in charge of intructing and delighting, and at the same time she underlines that Realistic Literature is to search for humanity with much less cynicism. Literature show us that we are different, she insists on a magnificent diversity in the world and that to be a human is to want to be valued. How important is for us to feel valued.


                                On the other hand, her books and writings are powerful and have distinction for her; she remembers her childhood reading British books, English as an important language in her life, English books by Charles Dickens, for example, also Virginia Woolf. What she really highlight is that Modern Literature transmits the sensibility of citizenship, learning a second sensibility, a second Englishness. But who exactly inspires her to write? Well, her inspiration comes from her father, from the eyes of her mother telling stories. There is a sense of belonging to the mass og humanity.
She writes because she loves to do it, because she has grown up among books, she writes because she has the necessity of doing it.

viernes, 17 de mayo de 2013

Improved version of I am a writer

               Oh yes, I am a writer! I love writing, expressing what I think and feel, especially when I have been through a circumstance, I have the necessity of expressing how could I manage the situation. it is very difficult for me not to be allowed to say what I think. From my point of view, everyone needs to express their feelings, my way of telling things sometimes is Writing.

            Many times some peopleprefer to hide their feelings and decisions because they think that maybe others can attack them, but personally I am completely  sure that if you do not say what you feel or think (of course in a good way) , you will probably feel miserable then.  There also others who need to be aggressive when they have to comment something, so for me, writing is an execellent way of expressing our ideas. Indeed, the fact that you write and read very often, makes you improve your vocabulary, the way yu speak and getting new words in your own speech.

             According to my new experience, when I was a child, i always had a kind of diary in which I write all the things that happened to me, including the good things and the bad ones. There, I felt strong; nobody could say nothing to me because that was my owns space where I was free to write what I want to. Writing was a hobby that I did through my my years as a child. It was something I did sometimes but never really said I did seriously because when you are highly insecure child, seriousness can be costly.  It can be costly to your ego, mostly. it can be costly to hear that you are not as great as you think you are in your head. It is easier to live in your head and with that ego that you could be a writer only if you took it seriously. Perhaps if I had continued writing, I would be known today. Who knows? When I was at school, I aleays participated actively in different contests, sometimes  I did not win but that was not a problem for me, the fact that I was able to show what I do, made me feel happy and recognized.

         On the other hand, we can also talk about what is happening nowadays with children, adolescents and even adults. They are losing the capacity of writing, as they use their computers and therefore they prefer sending an e-mail than writing in a sheet of paper. The problem is not to use the computer rather than a sheet of paper, but as they do not practise writing, they probably do not remember how to write a letter for example. Many of my students do not remember how to write a letter in Spanish, so imagine what happen in English. Who does not want to receive a letter from your kids or partner? It is a good idea for instance to exchange letters from one school to another. It is a good exercise. Writing is very important in our lives. It makes you more competitive and also helps you to develop your ability to express things. Perhaps you can ask what can I write?  Well, one of the common examples of everyday life may be for instance, if you have to say something nice or tell someone some bad news, you can write a gentle letter and express what you think and  know, thus you do what you have to without being rude.
                I am a writer, I write because words live on me and inside of me. I write because the fragmented thoughts that live with me must come out of me to make sense. I write because I have to, I write because I want to. I write because I am a human who feels too much, I write to feel more. I write because I am a writer.

viernes, 3 de mayo de 2013

APA citation rules !


  This guide provides basic explanations and examples for the most common types of citations used by students. For additional information and examples, refer to the Publication Manual.

One author
·         In most cases, providing the author's last name and the publication year are sufficient:
Smith (1997) compared reaction times...

Within a paragraph, you need not include the year in subsequent references.

Smith (1997) compared reaction times. Smith also found that...
Two authors
·         If there are two authors, include the last name of each and the publication year:
...as James and Ryerson (1999) demonstrated...
...as has been shown (James & Ryerson, 1999)...
3 - 5 authors
·         If there are three to five authors, cite all authors the first time; in subsequent citations, include only the last name of the first author followed by "et al." and the year:
Williams, Jones, Smith, Bradner, and Torrington (1983) found...
Williams et al. (1983) also noticed that...
Corporate authors
·         The names of groups that serve as authors (e.g. corporations, associations, government agencies, and study groups) are usually spelled out each time they appear in a text citation. If it will not cause confusion for the reader, names may be abbreviated thereafter: 
First citation: (National Institute of Mental Health [NIMH], 1999)
Subsequent citations: (NIMH, 1999)

Work with two authors
Beck, C. A. J., & Sales, B. D. (2001). Family mediation: Facts, myths, and future prospects. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Two or more works by the same author
·         Arrange by the year of publication, the earliest first.
Postman, N. (1979). Teaching as a conserving activity. New York, NY: Delacorte Press.
Postman, N. (1985). Amusing ourselves to death: Public discourse in the age of show business. New York, NY: Viking.
·         If works by the same author are published in the same year, arrange alphabetically by title and add a letter after the year as indicated below.
McLuhan, M. (1970a). Culture is our business. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
McLuhan, M. (1970b). From cliché to archetype. New York, NY: Viking Press.
Book by a corporate author
·         Associations, corporations, agencies, government departments and organizations are considered authors when there is no single author
American Psychological Association. (1972). Ethical standards of psychologists. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
Anthology or compilation
Gibbs, J. T., & Huang, L. N. (Eds.). (1991). Children of color: Psychological interventions with minority youth. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
Work in an anthology or an essay in a book
Bjork, R. A. (1989). Retrieval inhibition as an adaptive mechanism in human memory. In H. L. Roediger III, & F. I. M. Craik (Eds.), Varieties of memory & consciousness (pp. 309-330). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum.
Work in a coursepack
Goleman, D. (2009). What makes a leader? In D. Demers (Ed.), AHSC 230: Interpersonal communication and relationships (pp. 47-56). Montreal, Canada: Concordia University Bookstore. (Reprinted from Harvard Business Review, 76(6), pp.93-102, 1998).
Article in a reference book or an entry in an encyclopedia
·         If the article/entry is signed, include the author's name; if unsigned, begin with the title of the entry
Guignon, C. B. (1998). Existentialism. In E. Craig (Ed.), Routledge encyclopedia of philosophy (Vol. 3, pp. 493-502). London, England: Routledge.
Article in a journal - for electronic articles retrieved online
Mellers, B. A. (2000). Choice and the relative pleasure of consequences. Psychological Bulletin, 126, 910-924.
·         Note: List only the volume number if the periodical uses continuous pagination throughout a particular volume. If each issue begins with page 1, then list the issue number as well.
Klimoski, R., & Palmer, S. (1993). The ADA and the hiring process in organizations. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 45(2), 10-36.
Article in a newspaper or magazine
Semenak, S. (1995, December 28). Feeling right at home: Government residence eschews traditional rules. Montreal Gazette, p. A4.
Driedger, S. D. (1998, April 20). After divorce. Maclean's, 111(16), 38-43.
Article from an electronic source
·         Provide the same information as you would for a printed journal article and add a retrieval statement that will identify the source of this information.
·         In general, it is not necessary to include database information (APA, 2010, p. 192).
·         You can identify your source by including ONE of the following:


Web pages & non-periodical documents on the Internet
·         Include the author, title of the document, and if available, always include the date the material was updated or posted online. If the page may be changed or moved, include the date of retrieval. Include the URL of the document cited.
·         If there is no author, place the title in the author position.
·         If there is no date, replace the date with (n.d.) to signify that there is no date for the material.
·         Add a description of the source in square brackets after the title, if this is necessary to clarify the type of source e.g. [Bibliography] [PowerPoint slides] [Multimedia presentation]
Library and Archives Canada. (2008). Celebrating women's achievements: Women artists in Canada.Retrieved from http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/women/002026-500-e.html
·         If the source material is likely to change over time (e.g. wikis), include the retrieval date.
Geography of Canada. (2009, September 29). In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved September 30, 2009, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Geography_of_Canada
Further examples and explanations are available in sections 6.22-6.26 (basic rules), sections 6.31-6.32 (electronic sources) and chapter 7 (examples and more information) of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association.


Personally, this year I feel a bit more competent and secure of myself. When the teacher told us to write in class, I immediately think about my experience as a writer. So it was not so difficult for me to create a piece of writing. However, I am sure that I have to improve my language and that I have to get and use more vocabulary, but sometimes it is a bit difficult for me to imply them, perhaps because I do not use new words or I do not write them very often.
This year, I am going to work very hard to show you that I AM A WRITER!

Original version "I am a writer" (in class)


I am a writer (My own experience)

                Oh yes! I am a writer, I love writing, expressing what I think and feel. Especially when I have been through a circumstance, I have the necessity to express how I could manage the situation. It is very difficult for me not to be allowed to say what I think. From my point of view, everyone needs to show the other ones their opinions, however there are lots of people who do not dare to express their feelings, my way of telling things sometimes is writing. Many times some people prefer to hide their feelings and decisions because they think that maybe others would attack them, but personally I am completely sure that if you do not say what you feel or think (of course in a good way), you will probably feel miserable later. There are also others who need to be aggressive when they have to comment something, so for me, writing is an excellent way of expressing our ideas, in fact you can also improve your vocabulary, they way you speak and get new words in your own speech.
              When I was a child, I always had a kind of diary in which I wrote all the things that happened to me, including good and bad ones. There, I felt strong; nobody could say anything to me because that was my own space where I was free to write what I want. Perhaps sometimes I felt a bit vulnerable, especially when I read again what I had already written, but that was also a good way of remembering some moments in life.
              On the other hand, we can also talk about what is happening nowadays with children, adolescents and even adults. They are losing the capacity of writing as they use their computers and therefore they prefer sending an e-mail than writing in a sheet of paper. Besides, most people do not realize that writing every day makes you more competitive and also helps you to develop your ability to write. Perhaps you can ask what can I write?  Well, one of the common examples of everyday life may be for instance, if you have to say something or tell someone some news you can write a gentle letter and express what you think and  know, thus you do what you have to without being rude.
                In conclusion, people should discover the beautiful world of writing, I love writing for that reason I consider myself as a writer, especially when I have to describe my feelings, it is an extraordinary way of expressing our own emotions. 

miércoles, 1 de mayo de 2013

You are very welcome !


Hi Mates ! My name is Magali Rocio Licciardi and I study at the training teaching college N°41, Adrogue.
This is my second blog, and here I am going to work for my subject LEE 4. You are very welcome to it.
I hope you enjoy it !

Love * Maggie :)